

If 50 practices and 5 challenges per day isn't enough, you can easily upgrade your robot so you can play as long as you want. For only $5 you can get an extra 25 practices and 5 more challenges per day. You can upgrade multiple times to increase your limits.

Every robot needs more RAM. You start out with 0MB which doesn't really do anything. Upgrade your RAM to higher and higher levels to enjoy higher and higher rewards. For each 1MB of RAM that you purchase, you will get 25% more money and experience points from each fight.

All payments are made securely through PayPal using a credit card, eCheck or PayPal balance. Prices are in US dollars. All upgrades are permanent and will never expire. Upgrades are non-transferable.

Visa Master Card Amex Discover E Check

Purchase Upgrade
Item Price Quantity  
Please log in first. Then purchase your upgrade.

Game design by Braingle